2) His dress code doesn't involve tights or spandex.
3) He wears glasses.
4) He is respected by his peers for talents that he's cultivated through hard work and ability, rather than for his "supernatural gifts" which he never earned.
5) He never confuses physical domination with moral/ethical superiority
6) He's much easier to make into a Halloween Costume.
so guess what I dressed up as for Halloween?
Honestly, this photo is so ridiculous as to make even me laugh through the embarrassment.
Just to be clear, I did not dress up as Superman in full, nor was i so (lame) as to dress strictly as Kent. I was in-transformation all evening, which would be about 500 times cooler if i wasn't the 2 billionth person to think up this costume idea.
A word of warning, though. If you ever decide to mock up as Kent, and need some internet help for the details, be wary of Google. A "Clark Kent" image search will net you some screen shots of Christopher Reeve, Dean Cain and Tom Welling, but if you have the "moderate safe search" off, because we're all adults here, just be ready for the flood of gay porn that will await you. Not that there's anything wrong with that...
So yeah, Clark is 'cool' in a strictly nerd-idolizing way, and I am equivalently 'cool' for the lengths to which I went to make such a simple costume so painfully detailed.
Luckily, the glasses and trousers were no problem thanks to my unstylish past and inability to get rid of things. Even though I didn't own a Superman emblem T ($20 to purchase), I managed to make do through the clever use of an cereal box (in the S you can just make out "frosted bites [of] shredded wheat").
I won't claim it was a total success, and to be honest to subtelties of my costume were completely lost when I got down to the insanity of the Village Halloween Parade, where anything short of white-face, green-hair, purple-jacket Jokers just weren't cutting it this year.
But hey, it's not every day that you get to dress up as a non-superhero. Or maybe I just like Kent (as Reeve's bumbling-but-noble portrayal) more than I actually like ceilings.
::(lame) Texpatriot
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